Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Look For LayoutFREAK!

As you all have notice LayoutFREAK! has a new look! It's the beginning of a new year so why not update the look?

Actually, the main reason for the change is because the old layout had many problems. Some of you might have noticed that it took a really long time for the pages to load, the page navigations did not show all the layouts, and some of the features did not work properly. I also changed the layout because I was tired of the dark look Image and video hosting by TinyPic

This year we will start posting tutorials to edit your own plurk layouts (in the near future) so if you have a tutorial you want to suggest, send it to us by email. We will also start publishing more custom-made layouts! Some of the custom made layouts that I will be posting will be layouts that I originally designed for Plurk Layouts, but unfortunately they cannot host free layouts anymore (see their article why).

Do you like the new look for LayoutFREAK?

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